
Friday, November 23, 2018

Night Before

It is 11:00 pm and Michael is sleeping but I am charging camera battery and making lists and checking things off.  So thought I would pop on here and let you know that I have had to unpack my suitcase of items several times already.  I don't know how anyone travels with winter gear for 11 days in 1 suitcase.  Michael asked me if I need my toiletries.  What is he crazy? Gee whiz!!  Of course his bag weighed 48.8 lbs and mine was 53 lbs!! Go figure!

But y'all let me tell you about these boots here that I purchased at Costco! 

I wore them to the Turkey Trot on Thursday morning and it was a very cold morning as you can see  from the screen shot below so I decided to check out my gear for our trip.
My  review of the boots is they are the  My feet never got cold and last year wasn't as cold and I had frozen feet they felt that way for hours.  So I  highly recommend these boots. I found out this morning that Michael could have had a pair if I had ordered them.  I hope his feet don't get too cold cause he can't fit into mine. 😌

 Ok I am going to try to sleep now.  :)  Stay tuned.....

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